Wiki source code of FAQ

Version 8.1 by Vincent Massol on 2011/10/28

Show last authors
1 {{velocity output="false"}}
2 $xwiki.jsx.use("FAQCode.SkinExtension")
3 $xwiki.ssx.use("FAQCode.SkinExtension")
4 ## If this page is called with createFAQ=true then create a new page using the FAQTemplate template
5 #if ($request.createFAQ == "true")
6 $response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL("FAQ.${request.question}", "inline", "$!{request.queryString}&title=${request.question}"))
7 #end
8 {{/velocity}}
10 {{box cssClass="faqAbout"}}
11 **Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are an easy way to find answers to most of your questions about XWiki.**
13 If you have a question you should verify if it's already in the FAQ list. If not then you should [[post a message for the XWiki Mailing List/Forum>>dev:Community.MailingLists]].
15 The strategy is then for people who know the answer to create a new FAQ entry here about the question and reply in the mail with the link to the new FAQ Entry. In this manner we will quickly enrich this FAQ database.
16 {{/box}}
18 (% class="centered" %) (((
20 (% class="faq-link search-faq" %)(((
21 Search FAQ...
22 (((
23 {{velocity}}
24 {{html}}
25 <form action="$xwiki.getURL("FAQCode.FAQSearch")">
26 <input type="hidden" name="space" value="FAQ" />
27 <input type="text" name="text" value="question text..." size="25" class="withTip" />
28 <span class="buttonwrapper">
29 <input class="button" type="submit" value="Search" />
30 </span>
31 </form>
32 {{/html}}
33 {{/velocity}}
34 )))
35 )))
37 (% class="faq-link add-faq" %)(((
38 Contribute FAQ...
40 (((
41 {{velocity}}
42 {{html}}
43 #if ($isGuest)
44 You need first to <a href="${escapetool.xml($xwiki.getURL("Main.WebHome", "login", "xredirect=$doc.externalURL"))}">log in</a> or <a href="${escapetool.xml($xwiki.getURL("xwiki:Main.WebHome", "register", "xredirect=$doc.externalURL"))}">register</a>.
45 #else
46 <form action="" id="newfaq">
47 <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="FAQ.WebHome" />
48 <input type="hidden" name="template" value="FAQCode.FAQTemplate" />
49 <input type="hidden" name="createFAQ" value="true" />
50 <input class="withTip" type="text" name="question" value="question text..." size="25"/>
51 <span class="buttonwrapper">
52 <input class="button" type="submit" value="Add" />
53 </span>
54 </form>
55 {{/html}}
56 #end
57 {{/velocity}}
58 )))
59 )))
61 )))
63 (% class="clearfloats" %x)((()))(%%)
65 {{faq filter="space=FAQ"/}}
67 {{velocity}}
68 (% class="hidden" %) (((
69 Temporary provide a link for robots to index all FAQs.
70 In the future, this link will be provided via a sitemap.
71 [[FAQCode.AllFAQList]]
72 )))
73 {{/velocity}}

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